mt unirepair b.v. Logo

mt unirepair b.v.

MT Unirepair: Leading in Product Circularity & Repair Services

Who is mt unirepair b.v.?

We are proud of the loyalty from our multinational and therefore multilingual team. We are passionate about what we do – making internal processes more sustainable. The admin team is taking over tasks that support our production on one hand. On the other hand we are also offering services like booking, purchasing or audits to our customers. From cutting-edge solutions to personalized experiences, we’re dedicated to exceeding your expectations. Multiservice provider specializing in the circularity of products. A sustainable solution for extending product life cycles. Minimize waste, optimize knowledge and provide best in class support for your customers.

This company is:

Service provider

Gronsveld, Netherlands

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1968

Products & services of mt unirepair b.v.

Product Expert Repair Services - Extend Product Life - MT Unirepair image


Expert Repair Services - Extend Product Life - MT Unirepair

MT Unirepair offers sustainable repair solutions, from PCBs to automotive parts. Experience extended product life cycles. Contact us.

Product Refurbishment Company: Equipment & Electronics - MT Unirepair image


Refurbishment Company: Equipment & Electronics - MT Unirepair

Top refurbishment services for electronics, machinery, and IT equipment. From device refurbishment to spare parts, we're your trusted partner.

Product Optimized Reverse Logistics - MT Unirepair Solutions image


Optimized Reverse Logistics - MT Unirepair Solutions

MT Unirepair offers tailored reverse logistics, ensuring efficient sorting, inspection, and routing. Boost your global circular economy. Explore now.

View all products


After Sales Repair Services
Computer Hardware



Use Cases of mt unirepair b.v.


Case Studies - mt unirepair b.v.

Unlock the power of real-world success stories with our comprehensive case studies. In this area you can read about real cases where our services could deliver benefits to our customers and how exactly it was done.

Contact of mt unirepair b.v.

City: Gronsveld

State: Limburg

Country: Netherlands

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about mt unirepair b.v.

The company mt unirepair b.v. is located in Gronsveld, Limburg, Netherlands. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information mt unirepair b.v. has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

mt unirepair b.v. was founded in 1968

The company mt unirepair b.v. has it's main focus in the industries of Hardware

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company mt unirepair b.v. seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change